Thursday, February 16, 2012

Send a love letter to someone you've never met

Sure, why not?

You might have noticed my posting schedule's gone a bit off-kilter.  There are a couple reasons for this, one of which is my work schedule.  Another is the weather; we've been having snow, and rain, and cold, and damp, and other assorted things that make me hurt a lot and not want to write, which you may imagine is not doing wonders for my novel.  And occasionally, I have a tendency to forget what day of the week it is, and don't remember that I should have blogged until the next day.  Oops.  I'm going to try to get things back on track.

So about the love letters.  This was sent to me by my redoubtable friend Kate, who has a tendency to find interesting writing-related things on the internet and lob them into my email inbox.  Please note that I do not object to this practice.  In this particular instance, the thing she found was More Love Letters.

I guess its proper title is "The World Needs More Love Letters," since that's the name at the top of every page on the site.  This outfit has a very singular purpose; they want to utilize the power of the written word to remind people that they are loved.

There are two ways of approaching the project.  One is to write your own love letters, addressed to no one in particular, and leave them where someone might find them.  The site owners encourage you to take a photo of your letter drop and send it to them, so they can share it with others; similarly, if you find a letter, they ask that you let them know about that too.  This half of the project is rather similar to Operation Beautiful, in that it reaches out to an anonymous person who might need a gentle reminder of his or her own value.

The other half of the project is a bit more targeted.  If you sign up on their participation list, they will email you each month with info about the next person in their sights.  You'll have ten days in which to write a friendly love letter to this person and send it to the project headquarters, and they will then send all of the letters to the individual.  You don't have to participate every month, of course, just as often as you're able. If you know someone who is in need of love letters because they're going through a tough time for one reason or another, you're also able to nominate them to be the recipient of this outpouring.

More Love Letters

A little more love.  Doesn't sound like a bad idea at all.

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