Monday, September 12, 2011

Capes, Socks, and T-Shirts

No, I'm not proposing that as a new superhero uniform.  That's a scary thought.

Instead, I'm using today's blog post to tell you about three different opportunities to do something good for someone else.  In the case of the first story, it's for a specific individual.  You might have heard by now about Mike Meyer, a special needs Superman fan in Missouri.  Mike, who looks up to the Man of Steel, had amassed a large collection of comics and memorabilia - a large portion of which was recently stolen.  The call is presently out on the internet for geeks of all sorts to unite as one (we're so good at doing that, just look at how we rallied behind the adorable Katie last year) and help remind Mike that there are a lot more heroes than villains in our world. 

For details, I will redirect you to my article on the subject at AngryWeb, which includes contact information.  I do want to stress that you need not be a Superman fan or specifically donate a Superman-related piece of memorabilia.  If you can, and you will, that's fantastic.  But you can also just send Mike a note, or a card, or a drawing.  The important thing is to show him that people really do care, and that not everyone is going to take advantage of him the way his thief did.

Now, about the socks.  No Nonsense is a fairly well known brand of undergarments, socks, hosiery, et cetera.  They are currently running a very cool promotion on Facebook - every time someone "likes" their page, that person has the option of clicking a button (once per person).  Every person who clicks will donate, at no charge to themselves, a pair of socks to a needy family in the United States.  If you have a Facebook account, check out this page to like it and donate your socks, and spread the word to your friends.  They're hoping to make one million sock donations, and they're not even at a tenth of the way there, so let's warm some feet!

(I know, that sounded a little dorky.)

Finally, I was recently alerted to the existence of  It's an interesting premise, and a great way to support causes that mean a lot to you.  Every week, for seven days, Sevenly (get that? seven days on Sevenly) will showcase a t-shirt - just one shirt.  Limited edition, even!  When you purchase that shirt, they donate $7 (there's that number again) to the charity of the week.  Recent causes benefitting from shirt purchases included and Soles4Souls.  The shirts are designed by artists from around the world.

Okay, so maybe a cape, socks and a t-shirt doesn't make for a good superhero uniform.  But at least they can make you feel like a superhero.

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